Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jessie!!

My baby girl turned 11 today.....



Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday Jessie!! 11 years old... how exciting!! It just seems like yesterday when she was climbing up on top of the armoire at the Mom's Club meetings. I've never seen a toddler that could climb that well... and that fast!! She's destined to be a famous mountain climber one day. :) Hope you have a wonderful birthday week, Jessie!! I know you are excited that summer is here. :) ~Mrs. Jill

Dancing Queen said...

AWWW...have a great birthday! Hope the beach was fun!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...


Happy Birthday!

super pretty... wildly spunky... totally determined... eleven year old girly girl!

we love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessie. It's Eric. Happy Birthday.