Total Lame-o! I'm not sure where I've been & what I've been doing, but obviously not blogging. Well, I will have to say I did go on 2 ALL-DAY field trips (did I say 'All-Day'?). By the way, if you haven't seen a cow eyeball dissected, you should - it was VERY interesting. AND if you haven't been to an observatory, you should check it out. Its amazing what Houston has to offer.
As for Audrey, she's doing okay. Other than Monday, she made it to school on time. She has complained of a couple of headaches, but she's been pretty good. Although, Monday was the worst yet!!!! I had Jason take her to school, hoping she wouldn't be as dramatic with him as me. Boy, oh boy, did he have to see what I have been dealing with for the previous 2 weeks. It was horrible!! Needless to say, she made it to school ..... eventually. The rest of the week was better - still keep us in your prayers.... is it 4 more weeks of school?
Can you believe this is the girl too sick to go to school?
Audrey after the Houston Museum of Science. (Looks fine to me :)
Finally! I thought the queen may have slipped and fallen in a mote or something!! It's been kinda quiet around "The Queen's Castle" lately. Glad your back with uplifting news about Audrey! :) ~Jill
awe yah... i've been wondering where you've been! no really... do you have ENOUGH on your plate over there?
miss yall like mad!
we will be planning a summer trip! :)
Tag! You're it! Go to my latest blog to see how to play! :) ~Jill
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