Saturday, January 3, 2009

My attempt at art.....

I found a Christmas picture that I wanted to hang above my fireplace.... only problem was that it was too big.  Here's a picture of the Santa picture I WANTED (from Pottery Barn)

from Pottery Barn (here)

Since it was too big AND $149.... I wondered if I could sketch it...
I got a canvas that would fit over my mantle:
I found some art pencils and went to work.....

And here's the final product.  I don't think it TOO bad (for costing under 20 bucks)  and it fits perfectly.

Anyway, its my attempt at art!


MamaMia said...

That is impressive!

Happy New Year to you and your family!

THE Stephanie said...

OMG! That's amazing!!!

It's also pretty amazing that you got over your swet daughter spilling red soda in your new car (LOL)!! Just kidding.... I know, we love them... what can we do??

Have a great week!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

you don't think it's TOO BAD! girrrrrl... that is AWESOME!

your talent shines through in SO many ways... my goodness!

that will be such a fun piece... to always treasure... and you made it! personally... it's BETTER than theirs!

noodle and lou said...

You did an AMAZING job! Good for you!!!! Maybe I could make that Anthro chair I want so much;)

Happy New Year!!! xoxox

Anonymous said...

I love it!! You should whip one out for all of us next year!! :)